We were blown away by what a fun time we had at our wedding. That was down to having such a wonderful group of friends and family who joined us for the day and kindly indulged our whims. What special people we know.
Who else would have squeezed into Hythe Town Hall, processed Pied-Piper like down a busy Saturday High St, struggled into a train a third the normal size, had a picnic with a nuclear power station as a backdrop and then gone along with our pretense that the village hall was a magnificent beach hut.
Thank you for making our day such a special one and creating lots of wonderful memories which will keep us going into even greater old age. We are very grateful for the very generous help that everybody gave to making the day work for us:
Mary with her megaphone was magnificent at keeping the show on the road along with super ushers Shirley, Berni, Rosie and Heather.
Becks and Elizah added youth and fun as our amazing bridesmaids.
Ben was the best video maker ever, getting the shots that an adult just wouldn’t see although Kevin despite being grown up also managed some stunning pictures.
Antoine, Linda, Di and Mike were great entertainers during the ceremony, we hoped you appreciated the singsong.
Ann, Jan’s mum, as well as spending weeks creating favours bags, turning up trousers and 100 other things also treated us all to the train trip.
Margaret and Brian, Rob’s mum and dad, treated us to the picnic, thank you both for spending the night before making the sandwiches.
Dave, Jack and Tom Stead along with Lauren and Carrie helped set up the hall and took it down again too this time accompanied by Steve, Cathy, Izzy and Brian.
Bill came from California for a break but got roped into all and sundry.
Richard was a natural Pied Piper and Steve did a brilliant job of compering the parish notices.
Shirley couldn’t keep out of the kitchen and as well as ensuring a great meal on Saturday treated the remainers to a meal she knocked up with Jean on the Sunday evening.
Annie worked her socks and other apparel off to create a beach hut like no other complete with mega seagull and we hope you like the favours she created.
Our neighbour Paula gave us a real wedding breakfast on Sunday at her gorgeous house.
An amazing team effort which left us in awe of everyone and truly very grateful. We’re now back from a lovely honeymoon where we pedaled along the Loire and then the Italian and French Riviera.
Our honeymoon bubble was, we have to admit, burst a bit early by the news from the UK but we were at least thankful we didn’t get married a week later. We met some very generous and kind people along the way who went out of their way to be hospitable.
We have some great photos (thanks Freddie and Jim), we have shared some on Facebook already and will put together an album later. Links are all on the website.